I can help you discover your cognitive function stack and Myers-Briggs personality type. I’m freshly back from a conference where I completed my profiler training with Personality Hacker.
First, I want to explain how what I do with personality type is different from taking an online test. Then, I want to share my formula for building your signature style using your cognitive function stack. And, finally, I want to share a brief description of the eight cognitive functions.
How Conversational Personality Profiling is Different
Ok, how conversational personality profiling differs from taking an online test (and why the percentages don’t really tell you much).
- You know how it is when you take a forced-choice test? I always want to talk to the test, ask it questions, or explain my answers. In a conversation with me, you can explain your answers as much as you want and it is all helpful in determining your type.
- Myers-Briggs is actually a code pointing to which of eight cognitive functions are your mind’s preferred wiring. It goes a level deeper, and more helpful, than the four dichotomies.
- The tests, even the official Myers-Briggs, have a significant error rate, because they only measure the dichotomies.
- The scores for the second and third dichotomies, Intuitive and Sensing, and Feeling and Thinking can be really close for functions 2 & 3 (out of four), but with a conversation it is easier to see which variety of each function a person is using, because everyone is using some of all of them.
- Each of the four functions: Intuition and Sensing, Feeling and Thinking, can be used internally for processing OR externally for living. This is called introverted or extraverted attitude
Cognitive Function Formula for Signature Style
My formula for signature style includes the first four functions.
- Your first (or driver) function is the part of you you most identify with. This is probably already a major component of how you dress.
- Your second (or copilot) function is a really important strength that many people fail to communicate visually. Last week’s podcast went further into that.
- Your third function is a place of playfulness. It can add flair to your style or you can have a separate look for fun times.
- Your fourth function is a position of aspiration. It can inform how you put the rest of it together or you can use it for an accent.
Cognitive Function Definitions
The functions themselves.
Perceiving (aka learning) functions:
- Introverted Intuition (Ni): learning through pattern recognition in contemplation; taking other perspectives
- Extraverted Intuition (Ne): learning by pattern recognition in real-time; exploration
- Introverted Sensing (Si): learning through sensory experience (of self and others) in rumination; post-processing memory
- Extraverted Sensing (Se): learning by sensory experience in real-time; being in the moment; sensation
Judging (aka decision-making) functions:
- Extraverted thinking (Te): uses impersonal criteria to get things done in the outer world; data and metrics; forward progress; effectiveness
- Introverted thinking (Ti): uses impersonal criteria internally to evaluate truth; logic and conceptual categorizing; accuracy
- Extraverted feeling (Fe): uses personal (what is important to people) criteria to get needs met in the world; culture and social norms; harmony
- Introverted feeling (Fi): uses personal criteria internally to evaluate convictions, motives, and identity; self-expression; authenticity
That was eight!
Your Personality Type & Cognitive Functions
Do you know your type and your functions? Discover them by getting your Personality Profile & Palette.
This is the part of the article where I normally assign homework. Today, I’m just asking you to please stay home if you can when you’re sick and if you have influence over policies that would allow others to do that too, please use your influence for good.
Thanks for being here! I’ll meet you back here again real soon!