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Personality Profile & Palette


Personality Profile & Palette reveals your Myers-Briggs type, how your mind works, and first steps to your signature style. Includes a digital color palette.

Discover your unique self and step into feeling excited, motivated, and confident to show up and contribute your gifts to the world!

Here’s how we do it:

  1. Buy this product and book your 2 hour conversational personality profiling session. 
  2. When we agree on your (Myers-Briggs) type, I explain what it means about the wiring of your mind. 
  3. Within 24 hours, you receive your Personality Profile & Palette pdf guidebook with information on personal growth and visual expression, including a digital color palette to support your personality and natural coloring. 

This discovery reveals your flow state for greater energy, your growth state for greater impact, how you learn best, how you make your best decisions, and ways you may be sabotaging yourself. In addition, you will learn shortcuts for creating outfits you will love on YOU, based on your personality type.