This article is the first in a series through the cognitive functions and how they can impact how you dress. Today I’m talking about Extraverted Sensing & Style.
Hey there, my friend! I’m Rebecca Mielke, your Visual Identity Coach on a journey of self-discovery, so you can align your inner and outer self, show up confidently, and contribute your gifts to the world. We need you!
Why We Are All Really Ambiverts
If you are an introvert; you could still be using extraverted sensing. This points to a huge source of confusion around Myers-Briggs. Everyone has four functions in their cognitive function stack and they go in an A/B pattern: if you are introverted, you lead with an introverted process, the next is extraverted, the third is introverted, and the fourth is extraverted.
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Extraverted Sensing, the Cognitive Function
What is Extraverted Sensing as a function: learning by sensory experience in real-time; being in the moment; Personality Hacker nicknames it Sensation.
Extraverted sensing is the dominant function for ESTP and ESFP, the second function for ISTP and ISFP, meaning that for these types it should be a major influence on your style. It is also influential in the style of ENTJs and ENFJs, as their third function, and may flavor the styles of INTJs and INFJExtraverted Sensing
Extraverted Sensing & Your Wardrobe
Here are some ideas for injecting Extraverted Sensing sizzle into your wardrobe:
- lives in the moment and generally has a feel/preference for what is current. I would advise you to choose from current styles what works best for your body, rather than relying on traditional styles.
- Once something feels wrong or outdated to you, regardless of whether people are still wearing it, feel free to pass it on.
- is attuned to sensory information. Fit and fabrics are critical.
- tends to notice and enjoy beauty. Highly attuned to aesthetics. When I asked my profiling client the other day about her relationship to details, she said she doesn’t care about alot of kinds of details, but the aesthetic details of a space have to be perfect! Don’t feel bad if you like to look good!
- likes to make an impact. If you prefer high-impact and dramatic looks, that is authentic to your personality. This can be done with strong color, high contrast, or bold silhouette.
- as an extraverted perceiving function, is more natural in more laidback, relaxed looks, as opposed to very buttoned-up and structured. An example would be a more floppy-rimmed hat as opposed to a very structured brim.
Extraverted Sensing Style Based on Type
My formula for signature style, that I talked about last week, includes the first four functions,
- Your first (or driver) function is the part of you you most identify with. If you are ESTP or ESFP, what I described is probably already a major component of how you dress.
- Your second (or copilot) function is a really important strength that many people fail to communicate visually. If you are an ISTP or ISFP, you should lean in to your extraverted sensing style to communicate visually who you really are.
- Your third function is a place of playfulness. If you are ENTJ or ENFJ, you can add extraverted sensing flair to your everyday signature style or you can have a separate extraverted sensing look for fun times.
- Your fourth function is a position of aspiration. INTJs and INFJs often have sensory issues or sensitivities, so I think fit and fabric are most critical
Now What?
Do you know your type and your functions? The thing about Myers-Briggs is it points to the cognitive functions a layer deeper than just the dichotomies. Whether you have intuitive perceiving preferences or sensing perceiving preferences, you have both intuition and sensing in your stack. If you would like to have my help nailing down your Myers-Briggs type and figuring out why it even matters, check out my Personality Profile & Palette.
Next week, Lord willing, I will be addressing Introverted Sensing.
And here’s your homework: go through your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or is SCRATCHY.
Thanks for being here for Signature Style Systems!