Extraverted Feeling & Style (Cognitive Function Series)

Introducing Extraverted Feeling Style

Welcome to a conversation about extraverted feeling style, for people who use extraverted feeling in their Myers-Briggs type. I’m just over half way through a series on all eight of the Jungian cognitive functions and how they impact visual identity. This is Episode 42 of the Signature Style Systems podcast! Watch this content on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcasts, if you prefer.

What do I mean by visual identity? I mean communicating who you really are, not just conforming to someone else’s idea of what you should look like. Not even mine!

I’m Rebecca Mielke. As your Visual Identity Consultant, I take you on a journey of self-discovery, so you can align your inner and outer self, show up confidently, and contribute your gifts to the world.

This article is about the cognitive function Extraverted Feeling. I will give you a quick definition, which Myers-Briggs types use it (hint: it’s the same as last week’s Introverted Thinking article because Extraverted Feeling and Introverted Thinking always come together), and some style tips for supporting your visual identity.

Your Signature Style Journey

Full disclosure: this is my dominant process, the one that makes up the biggest part of my identity. I find it interesting, then, that the nickname for it is harmony, as harmony is all about what my style discovery services are about: first we create harmony between your personality and your visual identity; then we discover your essential aesthetic and how to use it in a way that harmonizes with your physical characteristics; next, we develop your outfit and accessories strategies; finally, we use your personality, coloring, and aesthetic to create a completely custom color palette that harmonizes your coloring and preferences. You never have to worry I will tell you you are a certain season and you will hate the palette!

What Extraverted Feeling is All About

A quick definition of Extraverted Feeling: Real-time decision-making focused on trust in relationships. It is the energetic awareness of other human beings, with the goal of harmony in relationships and building a culture of kindness, mutuality, and respect. Vibing with others, establishing boundaries, getting needs met. Personality Hacker has nicknamed it harmony. The technical shorthand is Fe.

Extraverted Feeling Style …

  • places a high value on context. It can be fun to dress thematically for your activity; examples include: western for a bbq, glamour for a night out, Latin for Zumba class, etc.
  • can be communicated with friendly and approachable styles. Wearing color in general, as opposed to just neutrals, is a strategy.
  • doesn’t need to keep up with all the trends, but generally knows what is current, or at least what looks dated. 
  • makes decisions based on the impact on people. Not impact as in making an impression to drive an outcome (that is Extraverted Thinking) but how what you wear might make another person feel.
  • because you understand cultural and societal norms, you know when it is ok to break the rules.
  • is sometimes so focused on taking care of other people, they forget to take care of themselves. 

Extraverted Feeling Style by Type & Position

  • ESFJ or ENFJ: Fe is your dominant function. Hopefully, you identified with all the things I just said. You probably kinda think clothes are fun to play with. If not, you may need to make yourself a little more of a priority. It doesn’t have to cost alot. When you know what works for you, your own extraverted feeling style, you can get by with less, you will like it longer, and you know when to save and when to splurge.
  • ISFJ or INFJ: Fe is your second function. My biggest recommendation for you is to choose a signature color or two to wear with your neutrals. I have several clients of these types who don’t look nearly as friendly as they actually are, because they wear alot of black. If you are only going to have one, make it a version of red; your second should be your eye color and if your eyes are a neutral choose a green, blue, or purple.
  • ENTP or ESTP: Fe is your third function. The third function is a place of playfulness. You may enjoy playing with trends or just some fun, colorful looks.
  • INTP or ISTP: Fe is your fourth or inferior function. It is a position of aspiration. I think a good goal would be just to remember that your look does impact the people around you.

Some of my most embarrassing moments have come from not realizing the inappropriateness of what I was wearing when I was getting dressed and only realizing it later when there was nothing I could do about it. Like the time, I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, when I showed up at work on what was supposed to be a day off, wearing a “flipping you a BA” t-shirt and ended up having to walk through my department with the store manager.

Style as Self-Care

I have been known to say that having clothes that make you feel like yourself is a form of self-care. Your homework for this episode is to consider, if you are taking care of everyone, are you remembering that you are one of everyone?