Style for People Who Use Extraverted Thinking
What does it mean to extravert thinking? In this article I’m going to explain that and how it impacts your personal style. I’m continuing a series on Myers-Briggs, cognitive functions, and how to use this system to create authentic style. If you prefer to watch, find roughly the same content on YouTube here: Extraverted Thinking & Style on YouTube.
I’m Rebecca Mielke. As your Visual Identity Consultant, I take you on a journey of self-discovery, so you can align your inner and outer self, show up confidently, and contribute your gifts to the world. I take women who’ve forgotten how to feel comfortable in their own skin on a journey of self-discovery. Your personality type is the first leg of the journey. After we discover your cognitive wiring together, the next thing we go after is your Essential Aesthetic.
Today’s topic is style for those who use extraverted thinking. Did you know that your Myers-Briggs code reveals not only whether you are using thinking or feeling to make decisions, but also whether your thinking or feeling is extraverted or introverted?
Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know that, most people don’t. And I’m gonna explain what all that means, how to know which cognitive function you are using to make your best decisions, and what it means for your style.
Extraverted or Introverted? Thinking or Feeling?
Now I’d like to share a little bit about what is not commonly understood about the Myers-Briggs system.
- There are two ways people make decisions: they either prioritize human and emotional impact or they try to remove those considerations in order to make an unbiased decision. That is the real difference between thinking and feeling, because obviously a person can both be smart and caring, right?
- Then, each cognitive function can be used for living in the external world OR for processing in the interior. All human beings need to be able to do both. Myers-Briggs describes our preferences. If your type ends in a J, you prefer making decisions about the outer world; if your type ends in P, you make your best decisions internally.
- Each function always comes in a pair with it’s inverse. So Extraverted Thinking is always paired with Introverted Feeling. Extraverted Thinking is used in some capacity by all TJ types and all FP types.

The Goal of Extraverted Thinking
Extraverted Thinking uses impersonal criteria like data and metrics to get things done in the outer world, it is keenly aware of the preciousness of limited resources, it’s focus is on forward progress, and Personality Hacker has nicknamed it Effectiveness.
Since extraverted thinking is all about getting results, their style varies ALOT. Style and clothing tend to be used as tools, so the setting and goals will dictate the style. Here are some examples of what I mean:
- If the goal is to move up the career ladder, extraverted thinking should be looking at the people a rung or two up and dressing similarly
- If the goal is to be able to move quickly and get alot of physical work done, extraverted thinking will want practical clothes and comfortable shoes
- If the goal is to blend in, extraverted thinking will choose clothes that look like what everyone else is wearing
- Extraverted thinking, like extraverted sensing, likes to make an impact, but here the impact is in service to a desired goal or outcome
Style for Extraverted Thinking by Type
Given all this, it is kinda hard to generate a list of specific tips. It really depends on your lifestyle. But here are a few thoughts.
- Extraverted Thinking is the dominant function for ESTJ and ENTJ. You have great ideas for how things should be done and your ideas are received better when you look like you are supposed to be in charge.
- It is the second function for ISTJ and INTJ. You can also show your capacity for knowing what and how things should be done by looking like you are the one in charge. This is gonna be different in different contexts.
- As the third function, it is also influential in the style of ENFP and ESFP. Your base style is more casual, but you can add a little in-charge flavor to your everyday looks or you can just focus on making your style very practical and functional, like dresses with pockets.
- For INFP and ISFP, where extroverted thinking is the fourth function, I think what’s important to remember is that your look is part of your personal brand, but has no bearing on your value as a person.
Using Style to Communicate Your Personal Brand
So, I want to revisit some material from a corporate presentation I did not long ago and just mention some of the elements of branding you can communicate with your look. And if you are interested in having me come to your office or deliver a virtual workshop, just send me an email at
Here are three of the branding elements I covered in that presentation.
- Positioning is the element of branding describing where you are. Things like geography, industry, and role all contribute differently to what seems appropriate to wear
- Promise is what you want people to expect from you. Competence, creativity, and collaboration are aspects you can signal visually
- Personality is what sets you apart from others and the source of charisma
That, my friend, is what my entire suite of services is about: helping you communicate your personality through your presence. Learn more at the Your Journey tab.