Rebecca Mielke

Style Seasons of a Woman’s Life: Maiden, Mother, and Mentor

In this article, I’m talking about the three seasons of a woman’s life: Maiden, Mother, and Mentor, and the wardrobe tasks and goals associated with each. The concept originated with pagan goddess mythology, the Triple Goddess, but I’m not using it for goddess worship. I just want to use the framework to address some of

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Introverted Intuition Style (Cognitive Function Series)

Introverted Intuition Style, the Series Finale We made it! This is the final article in the cognitive function series, all about style strategies for people who prefer using Introverted Intuition, aka Ni, or as Personality Hacker calls it Perspectives. I will explain the function, which Myers-Briggs types use it, and what it means for your

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Extraverted Intuition Style (Cognitive Function Series)

Today I’m offering style strategy for people who prefer using extraverted intuition in their Myers-Briggs type (prefer to watch a video? Here’s the YouTube on Extraverted Intuition style.) I will explain the function, which Myers-Briggs types use it, and what it means for your style. I’m Rebecca Mielke. As your Visual Identity Guide, I take

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