Extraverted Intuition Style (Cognitive Function Series)

Today I’m offering style strategy for people who prefer using extraverted intuition in their Myers-Briggs type (prefer to watch a video? Here’s the YouTube on Extraverted Intuition style.) I will explain the function, which Myers-Briggs types use it, and what it means for your style.

I’m Rebecca Mielke. As your Visual Identity Guide, I take you on a journey of self-discovery, so you can align your inner and outer self, show up confidently, and contribute your gifts to the world.

Extraverted Intuition defined:

Real-time pattern recognition oriented around the question “what is possible?” It is characterized by optimism, spotting opportunities, and brainstorming new possibilities. It thinks in analogies and gets its best creative ideas in the moment, especially while brainstorming with others. It has a drive to learn through exploring and loves novelty.

Visual Communication: Extraverted Intuition Style

Communicating Ne visually:

  • you might feel a greater need for variety than some other types, and for creating different outfits with the pieces you have
  • combine disparate concepts within an outfit (the people who popularize wearing Chucks with their ballgown or shorts and tights are undoubtedly using this function). The rest of us can adopt it once our eyes become accustomed to it, which can happen at different paces for different people, but the higher up Extraverted Intuition is the more likely you just do it for fun
  • disparate concepts can be extended to pulling items from different times in history
  • Also, you may wear an outfit that is completely contemporary today and a completely retro outfit tomorrow. Ne is not bound by time
  • the exotic (“not from around here”) might also work really well for you!
  • This is a creative function and sometimes out there ahead of trends or creating them

What Types Use Extraverted Intuition?

Extraverted Intuition is a preferred function of all NPs and SJs in the Myers-Briggs system. Here’s how you can develop your own version of Extraverted Intuition style.

  1. ENTP and ENFP: this is your dominant function! You should look like Extraverted Intuition style. Don’t be afraid to have fun with your look and show your creativity. I have heard ENxP types say they “should” buy timeless classics in order to be sensible or responsible financially. The risk is that you will be perceived to be more traditional than you really are and miss out on opportunities for spontaneous brainstorming
  2. INTP and INFP: this is your auxiliary function, the one you may forget to communicate visually. It is a major part of your native genius, so communicating this through your look is important. As an introverted type, it is ok for you to do it in a quiet way.
  3. ESTJ and ESFJ: this is your tertiary function, a place of play. You may want to go full Ne with your leisure wardrobe segment or just inject some creative fun into your everyday looks. Be careful not to allow your need for variety to leave you with an overstuffed wardrobe!
  4. ISTJ and ISFJ: this is just a baby part of you, but still allows you to wear exotic things or slightly unusual combinations. For example, the hero was ISTJ and wore African shirts tremendously well for a white man who never left North America.

Homework for Extraverted Intuition Style

Your homework, which is always optional, is to play dress up! If you are one of the types here, try putting together some new and unexpected combinations.