Introverted Feeling & Style (Cognitive Function Series)

This is the sixth installment in a series on the eight Jungian cognitive functions that underlie the Myers-Briggs system. Today I’m excited to be talking about Introverted Feeling style. Stay tuned for what Introverted Feeling is, which Myers-Briggs types use it, and style tips and principles. If you have missed any of the previous episodes, I have one on both sensing functions, both thinking functions, and last week was extraverted feeling. Just two more weeks to go: Extraverted Intuition and then Introverted Intuition. (Prefer to watch this content? Here’s a video: Introverted Feeling Style. There is also a podcast, The Signature Style Systems Podcast, if you would rather just listen.)

I’m Rebecca Mielke. As your Visual Identity Consultant, I take you on a journey of self-discovery, so you can align your inner and outer self, show up confidently, and contribute your gifts to the world.  What do I mean by visual identity? I mean communicating who you really are, not just conforming to someone else’s idea of what you should look like. Not even mine!

What is Introverted Feeling Style?

Introverted Feeling is used by all FPs and TJs in the Myers-Briggs system and may be the most self-expressive of all the functions. Dressing with Introverted Feeling style should definitely say something about who you really are at the identity level.

A quick definition of Introverted Feeling: Internal decision-making, independent of the moment, focused on identity and convictions. It understands motives, beliefs, and what makes each of us uniquely human in a personal sense, with the goal of staying true to the self and doing the right thing. Emotional expression, prioritizing values, self-expression. Personality Hacker nicknames it Authenticity; the technical shorthand is Fi.

The Myers-Briggs System: Polarities

Let me explain a little about polarities and the math of Myers-Briggs. 

First, the math: there are 8 cognitive functions and only sixteen types. This is because the system has rules around how the cognitive functions can go together (like the A/B pattern of introversion and extraversion I talked about recently). If they could go together in any order, there would be over 40k possible combinations!

One of the rules is something we call polarities; I have touched on this before. Whenever a function shows up in someone’s cognitive function stack, it’s mirror opposite is also there. Meaning, whenever Introverted Feeling is present, Extraverted Thinking is also present. If one is in position 1, the other will be in position 4; if one is in position 2, the other will be in position 3.

When I talked about Extraverted Thinking, I said it’s hard to pin down a specific style because it depends so much on what the person’s goals are. Introverted Feeling style is similar but inverse: it is hard to prescribe style because it depends so much on who the person is as a unique human.

Introverted Feeling Style

Introverted Feeling style:places a high value on self-expression. Have enough variety in your wardrobe to cover your various moods and feelings.makes decisions based on values. This is also highly individual. What is important to you? The people I know who sew all their own clothes because of ethical concerns may very likely be using Fi.may be drawn to the imperfectly beautiful, concepts like wabi-sabi (the Japanese aesthetic of imperfection) or shabby chic. Whoever originated distressed and ripped jeans was probably using Introverted Feeling.

Style thoughts, by type and function position:

  • ISFP or INFP: Fi is your dominant function. Hopefully, you identified with all the things I just said, because Fi is the biggest part of your personality. It’s important for you to move beyond message t-shirts to express yourself and do it artfully. You don’t really need to be bothered with classics or expected looks.
  • ESFP or ENFP: Fi is your second function. It’s really important for you to show individuality in your style for you to be understood. Parenthetically, I would say these types dominated in style when I went to my profiler training event. One of my beloved clients, Jessica, (Jessica is a popular name in the age group of people who tend to find me.) has ENFP preferences and since she learned my method for discovering your essential aesthetic, every time I see her she looks her own unique blend of sharp and laidback.
  • INTJ or ISTJ: Fi is your third function. The third function is a place of playfulness and for connecting with loved ones. You can use the self-expression of Fi in a unique off-duty look or to add a little flavor to your regular daily look.
  • ENTJ or ESTJ: Fi is your fourth or inferior function. It is a position of aspiration. Is there something in your value system that is important enough to inform your shopping? Living wage? Sustainability? Consider your values when you shop.

Optional Homework for Introverted Feeling Style (& Everyone Else)

Whether you are an Introverted Feeling user or not, I have an important question for you to consider for your homework: How important to you is it to adapt what you wear on the daily according to your mood?